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Podcast / Africa

War and Dizzying Regional Alliances in Congo’s East

In this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell talks with Crisis Group expert Richard Moncrieff about the attacks in Kinshasa last weekend and escalating violence in eastern Congo amid shifting regional alliances.

Op-Ed / Africa

In Eastern DR Congo, “The Regional War is Already Happening”

The eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has become a battleground for several regional armies and numerous rebel bands. Crisis Group expert Onesphore Sematumba explains the ins and outs of the deadly conflict in this interview.  

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Podcast / Africa

Great Lakes Politics and the Fight for the Eastern DR Congo

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Richard Moncrieff, Crisis Group’s Great Lakes director, to discuss M23 rebels’ advances in eastern DR Congo, Rwanda’s involvement and whether diplomacy and a southern African force can curb violence. 

Q&A / Africa

DR Congo: A Full Plate of Challenges after a Turbulent Vote

Having won a second term in December’s divisive, chaotic polls, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi faces the tasks of reuniting the country and addressing raging violence in the east. It is a tall order, but diplomacy – with domestic opponents and regional leaders – can help.

Also available in Français
Report / Africa

Elections in DR Congo: Reducing the Risk of Violence

There are many risks looming over the next electoral cycle in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To mitigate these risks, the government should ensure that all parties can campaign freely, and African and Western powers should encourage the parties to find compromises and prepare for mediation in case it is needed.

Also available in Français

On the Horizon: October 2023-March 2024

This edition includes entries on Bangladesh, DR Congo, Ethiopia and Somaliland, offering a snapshot into emergent conflicts and crises in the next three to six months in a clear, accessible format, identifying triggers, key dates to watch and potential behaviour of conflict actors, to support global conflict prevention efforts. 

Q&A / Africa

Massacre in Goma Clouds DR Congo’s Elections and UN Mission’s Future

On 30 August, elite troops slaughtered over 50 civilians planning to protest perceived foreign interference in the eastern DR Congo, three months ahead of elections. The government has asked the UN for an “accelerated” withdrawal. Crisis Group experts Richard Moncrieff and Onesphore Sematumba explain the stakes.

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Podcast / Africa

Great Lakes Tensions Spike After Rwanda Nearly Downs a Congolese Fighter Jet

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood speaks with Richard Moncrieff, Crisis Group’s interim Great Lakes project director, about an incident in which Rwanda's army shot at a Congolese fighter jet, raising fears that tensions between Kinshasa and Kigali could boil over. 

Q&A / Africa

A Dangerous Escalation in the Great Lakes

Already high tensions between Kigali and Kinshasa have risen sharply after Rwanda’s defence forces shot at a Congolese warplane they accuse of violating Rwandan airspace. In this Q&A, Crisis Group examines why the situation has deteriorated and outlines pathways toward de-escalation.

Also available in Français
Podcast / Africa

The Boiling Regional Crisis in Eastern Congo

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Crisis Group consultant Richard Moncrieff to discuss recent developments in the conflict in the eastern DR Congo, tensions between Kinshasa and Kigali as well as regional and international efforts to address the crisis.

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