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Displaying 21 - 30 of 89 articles
Briefing / Africa

Zimbabwe’s Elections: Mugabe’s Last Stand

A return to protracted political crisis, and possibly extensive violence, is likely as Zimbabwe holds elections on 31 July. conditions for a free and fair vote do not exist.

Speech / Africa

Examining Prospects for Democratic Reform and Economic Recovery in Zimbabwe

Hearing before the Subcommittee on African Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate.

Report / Africa

Zimbabwe: Election Scenarios

The pervasive fear of violence and intimidation in Zimbabwe’s 2013 elections contradicts political leaders’ rhetorical commitments to peace, and raises concerns that the country may not be ready to go to the polls.

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Podcast / Africa

Zimbabwe's Reform Process

Piers Pigou, Project Director for Southern Africa, talks about the recent decision of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to block elections without reforms in Zimbabwe and about concerns around Robert Mugabe’s candidacy. 

Podcast / Africa

Zimbabwe: A Bold Approach to The Sanctions Issue

Zimbabwe must hold elections before the end of June 2013 but the reforms needed to ensure appropriate conditions are critically wanting. The regional organization, the Southern African Development Community, calls for the removal of international sanctions, claiming they are a serious political impediment to reform. Crisis Group’s Southern Africa Project director, Piers Pigou, discusses the broader paralysis that characterizes Zimbabwean politics.

Briefing / Africa

Zimbabwe’s Sanctions Standoff

A bold approach to the sanctions issue is necessary to refocus efforts on the actions needed to break the political stalemate in Zimbabwe before elections are held that otherwise threaten to be as violent and undemocratic as the 2008 round.

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Briefing / Africa

Resistance and Denial: Zimbabwe’s Stalled Reform Agenda

Slow and inadequate progress in implementing the compromise they reached three years ago threatens to push Zimbabwe’s contending forces into premature  elections and undermine political and economic recovery.

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Speech / Africa

U.S. Policy Toward Zimbabwe

Testimony by Mark L. Schneider, Senior Vice President, International Crisis Group to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights on “U.S. Policy Toward Zimbabwe”.

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