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Displaying 61 - 70 of 89 articles
Report / Africa

Zimbabwe's Operation Murambatsvina: The Tipping Point?

Operation Murambatsvina (Restore Order) cost some 700,000 Zimbabweans their homes or livelihoods or both and otherwise affected nearly a fifth of the troubled country's population. Its impact, as documented in a scathing UN report, has produced a political shock that has returned Zimbabwe to the international spotlight and made the quality of its governance almost impossible for its regional neighbours to ignore, however difficult they find it to be overtly critical.

Report / Africa

Post-Election Zimbabwe: What Next?

The 31 March 2005 parliamentary elections that confirmed the full control of President Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF government were neither free nor fair and disappointed those who hoped they might mark a turn away from the crisis that has dominated Zimbabwe's political life for the past five years.

Report / Africa

Zimbabwe: Another Election Chance

Zimbabwe's crisis - political as well as economic - remains as deep as ever, with widespread abuse of human rights and ever harder lives for the average citizen.

Report / Africa

Blood and Soil: Land, Politics and Conflict Prevention in Zimbabwe and South Africa

Tensions over land and race, which have already contributed much to Zimbabwe’s political and economic collapse, are rising in South Africa as well. New approaches are needed if they are not to push tempers to the boiling point across all southern Africa.

Report / Africa

Zimbabwe: In Search of a New Strategy

For all the sound and fury of international condemnation and domestic opposition, octogenarian President Robert Mugabe maintains the upper hand in Zimbabwe. He has bludgeoned opposition parties and neutralised mass action strategies, minimised African criticism, maintained South Africa's friendship, and withstood sporadic pressure from the wider international community.

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