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Displaying 51 - 60 of 96 articles
Op-Ed / Asia

What Should the U.S. Do in the South China Sea?

Beijing continues to push the envelope, and Washington seems stymied. What's a better way forward?

Report / Asia

Stirring up the South China Sea (III): A Fleeting Opportunity for Calm

The South China Sea is the cockpit of geopolitics in East Asia, and growing tensions pose a serious threat to stability in the region. China and ASEAN must take advantage of the currently favourable environment to establish new codes of crisis management, especially at sea, to withstand any new conflicts.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Report / Asia

Old Scores and New Grudges: Evolving Sino-Japanese Tensions

The deterioration in relations between China and Japan has spiraled beyond an island sovereignty dispute and risks an armed conflict neither wants. A November regional summit is a fence-mending opportunity – if the two countries’ leaders rise above nationalism and manage multiple flashpoints.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Report / Asia

Fire on the City Gate: Why China Keeps North Korea Close

North Korea’s belligerent behaviour is testing the patience of China, its principal backer, but a consequential Chinese policy change, which the U.S. and its allies hope for, is not likely soon. 

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

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