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Displaying 101 - 110 of 228 articles
Report / Asia

The Future of the Afghan Local Police

Too often, the Afghan Local Police (ALP) has preyed on those it is meant to guard. Some members are outright bandits, exacerbating conflict. Rogue units should be disbanded, and better ones integrated into the armed forces. This must be done carefully and slowly, or else insurgents will win a new military edge.

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Video / Asia

The Uncertain Future of the Afghan Local Police

While the Afghan Local Police (ALP) began as a small U.S. experiment, it has grown into a significant part of the country's security apparatus. After travelling around Afghanistan for the last few years, Crisis Group's senior Afghanistan analyst, Graeme Smith, sheds some light on the uncertain nature of the ALP, and looks at the confusion surrounding whether they are harming or helping the situation.

Report / Asia

Resetting Pakistan’s Relations with Afghanistan

As Pakistan seeks to consolidate its fragile democracy, it should seize the moment to improve relations with its Afghan neighbour. Its biggest challenge comes from within. The civilian government has to regain control over national security and foreign policy from the military.

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Report / Asia

Afghanistan’s Political Transition

Afghanistan’s new president, Ashraf Ghani, inherits a government that is running out of money and losing ground to the insurgency. As foreign troops withdraw, the new government must stay united and move quickly on reforms.

Video / Asia

Iran's Nuclear Crisis: The Way Forward

Crisis Group's Iran Senior Analyst Ali Vaez looks at the way forward in the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1.

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