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Displaying 141 - 150 of 228 articles
Report / Asia

Aid and Conflict in Afghanistan

After a decade of major security, development and humanitarian assistance, the international community has failed to achieve a politically stable and economically viable Afghanistan.

Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan: The Spreading Insurgency

Insurgent activity in Afghanistan has now spread beyond traditional strongholds in the south to districts surrounding the capital, exposing the slow erosion of security in the Afghan heartland. Candace Rondeaux, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Afghanistan, discusses the implications of U.S. withdrawal for the evolving Afghan insurgency.

Report / Asia

The Insurgency in Afghanistan’s Heartland

Collusion between insurgent elements and corrupt government officials in Kabul and the nearby provinces has increased, leading to a profusion of criminal networks in the Afghan heartland.

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Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan After bin Laden

The battle for Afghanistan’s security grows more complicated as corrupt politicians form ties with insurgent groups, creating cartel-like structures. Candace Rondeaux, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst based in Kabul, discusses the country's current security situation.

Speech / Asia

Rule of Law and the Justice System in Afghanistan

Presentation by Nick Grono, Deputy President of the International Crisis Group, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London Tuesday 26 April 2011.

Speech / Asia

Peace, Justice and Reconciliation in Afghanistan

Speech by Nick Grono, Deputy President of the International Crisis Group, delivered to a conference on Afghanistan at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, on 16 March 2011.  

Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan's Elections Dispute

Afghanistan continues to struggle with fall-out from last fall’s parliamentary elections, with some seats remaining contested even after Parliament’s inauguration. In December, the Supreme Court, with President Karzai’s approval, established a Special Tribunal to settle election complaints. Crisis Group Senior Analyst Candace Rondeaux explains why the Special Tribunal may undermine an already fragile security situation.

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