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Displaying 101 - 110 of 119 articles
Report / Asia

Building Judicial Independence in Pakistan

On the three occasions since independence when military coups have ended democratic rule in Pakistan the judiciary not only failed to check extra-constitutional regime change, but also endorsed and abetted the consolidation of illegally gained power.

Report / Asia

Pakistan: Reforming the Education Sector

Pakistan's deteriorating education system has radicalised many young people while failing to equip them with the skills necessary for a modern economy.

Commentary / Asia

Pakistan: Stop Supporting Failing Schools

The U.S. is set to send yet more money to Pakistan's schools, but if it only goes into the same failing system, it will once again be money wasted.

Report / Asia

India/Pakistan Relations and Kashmir: Steps Toward Peace

The agreement between Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, and India's new prime minister, Manmohan Singh, to continue talks on all contentious issues including Kashmir has inspired optimism about reduced tensions in South Asia.

Report / Asia

Devolution in Pakistan: Reform or Regression?

Pakistan's military government launched a campaign for political devolution in 2000 that it said was aimed at transferring administrative and financial power to local governments.

Report / Asia

Unfulfilled Promises: Pakistan’s Failure to Tackle Extremism

It has been more than two years since President and Chief of Army Staff Pervez Musharraf pledged to reform Pakistani society by reversing the trend of Islamist extremism.

Report / Asia

Kashmir: The View From New Delhi

For half a century Kashmir has been the major issue of contention between India and Pakistan.

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