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Displaying 11 - 20 of 157 articles
Briefing / Asia

Treading a Rocky Path: The Ta’ang Army Expands in Myanmar’s Shan State

With Myanmar’s military fighting on other fronts, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army is firming up its foothold in the country’s north. Clashes with other ethnic armed groups are possible. The Ta’ang group should focus on improving governance in its areas, in conjunction with civil society.


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Report / Asia

Transnational Crime and Geopolitical Contestation along the Mekong

Over the last fifteen years, an illicit economy – comprising everything from unregistered casinos to online scamming operations – has boomed along a stretch of the Mekong River separating Laos and Myanmar. Regional states will need to work together to rein in the criminal syndicates behind it.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Podcast / Asia

Myanmar’s Forgotten War

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood talks with Richard Horsey, Crisis Group’s Myanmar expert, about the war in Myanmar and why such a grave crisis in the heart of Asia is getting so little attention.

Event Recording / Asia

Conflict and Political Crisis in Myanmar (Online event, 17 May 2023)

In this online event, Crisis Group’s analysts and external experts discuss the current state of play in Myanmar, how the conflict situation may evolve over the coming year, and the prospects for an exit from the country’s crisis. More information in our recent Asia report A Road to Nowhere: The Myanmar Regime’s Stage-managed Elections.

Video / Asia

Stage-managed Elections in Myanmar May Lead to Further Violence

In this video, Crisis Group expert Richard Horsey discusses how elections in Myanmar may trigger escalated violence.

Briefing / Asia

A Road to Nowhere: The Myanmar Regime’s Stage-managed Elections

Two years after carrying out a coup, Myanmar’s generals are planning elections to entrench their role in politics. Amid the widespread resistance to their regime, the polls are bound to intensify armed conflict. Yet there are several ways to keep electoral violence to a minimum.

Also available in Burmese
Report / Asia

A Silent Sangha? Buddhist Monks in Post-coup Myanmar

The Sangha, Myanmar’s Buddhist monastic community, has largely stayed out of politics since the 2021 coup. As youth take the vanguard of resistance, a long-term shift in the country’s civic life – and a conservative backlash – could be in the offing. The issue bears close watching.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Op-Ed / Asia

Why Inclusion Matters for Myanmar’s Resistance

In defiance of prevailing patriarchal norms, young women are playing instrumental roles in the country’s “Spring Revolution.”

Briefing / Asia

Breaking Gender and Age Barriers amid Myanmar’s Spring Revolution

Politics in Myanmar is traditionally the domain of older men, but women and youth have been prominent in resistance to the 2021 military takeover. Giving them a bigger voice could have a positive effect on the country's political culture, no matter how the crisis ends.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Commentary / Asia

Myanmar: Post-Coup Crisis and a Flawed Election

Myanmar’s military regime is planning elections despite facing widespread resistance. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2023, Crisis Group explains how the EU and its member states can help ease the country’s political and humanitarian crisis.

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