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Displaying 111 - 120 of 157 articles
Video / Asia

International Crisis Group at Work: Myanmar

Jim Della-Giacoma, South East Asia Project Director, talks about Crisis Group's work and impact in Myanmar.

Report / Asia

Myanmar: Storm Clouds on the Horizon

Even as Myanmar’s democratic transition continues apace, ethnic violence in Rakhine State represents a threat to national stability. It demands decisive moral leadership from all the country’s leaders as they strive to find long-term solutions to the many challenges that lie ahead, including longstanding discrimination of the Rohingya and other Muslim minorities.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified, Indonesian
Report / Asia

Myanmar: The Politics of Economic Reform

Political transition and economic reconstruction are deeply entwined in Myanmar, and the government, the country’s elites and the international community must embrace both for the dramatic reforms underway to succeed.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Reform in Myanmar: One Year On

With Myanmar embarked on a remarkable top-down transition from five decades of authoritarian rule and extensive reforms already in place, it is time for the international community to help it address the remaining complex and numerous challenges by ending sanctions and looking to cooperation rather than coercion to promote further change.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

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