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Displaying 131 - 140 of 187 articles

Iran’s Nuclear Program, the Risk of War and Lessons from Turkey

The risk of war between Iran, Israel and the US has rarely been so high. Hugh Pope, Turkey/Cyprus Project Director for the International Crisis Group, lays out a plan to defuse tensions and points to Turkey as a potential model for engaging Iran. 

In Heavy Waters: Iran’s Nuclear Program, the Risk of War and Lessons from Turkey

As the standoff over Iran’s nuclear program edges closer to military confrontation, talks may be a way out but require mutual compromise and Western abandonment of the notion that a mix of threats and crippling sanctions will force Iran to back down.

Also available in Arabic, Turkish
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Ending the PKK Insurgency in Turkey

Hugh Pope, Turkey/Cyprus Project Director for the International Crisis Group, looks at the recent spike in violence between the Turkish government and the Kurdish PKK insurgency and discusses what can be done to bring the decades-long conflict to a close.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Turkey: Ending the PKK Insurgency

To head off a serious escalation of the armed conflict, Turkey and the Turkish Kurd nationalist movement must immediately step back from the trap of a new cycle of tit-for-tat military and terrorist attacks that have killed 110 people since June.

Also available in Russian, Turkish

Turkey and Greece: Time to Settle the Aegean Dispute

To capitalise on twelve years of normalisation, and at a time when both could benefit from a foreign policy success, Greece and Turkey should settle their expensive, outdated and stressful stand-off over Aegean Sea maritime zones and related issues.

Also available in Greek, Russian, Turkish and other languages

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