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Displaying 81 - 90 of 187 articles

Five Takeaways From The Turkish Election

Turkey voted on Sunday. The results are eye-catching, and certainly worth parsing for a world that awaits explanation. Here are five quick conclusions for a wide audience.

Turkey and the PKK: A peace process without end goals?

This interview with Crisis Group’s Europe and Central Asia Deputy Program Director, Hugh Pope, is republished here with permission from .

Video / Europe & Central Asia

Turkey and the Kurds: Saving the Peace Process

Crisis Group's Europe and Central Asia Deputy Program Director Hugh Pope discusses the peace process between Turkey and the PKK, and points out the most important reform tracks outlined in Crisis Group’s latest report, Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Turkey and the PKK: Saving the Peace Process

The peace process between Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is threatened by ceasefire violations and spillover from the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. Both sides must set aside pretexts and inertia and seize the opportunity of having powerful leaders able to implement a deal whose outlines are clearer than ever.

Also available in Turkish

The Implications of Turkey’s Turn Toward Fighting ISIS

This interview with Crisis Group’s Turkey and Cyprus Analyst,  Didem Aykel Collinsworth, is adapted and republished here with permission from Syria Deeply and Katarina Montgomery, Syria Deeply’s Digital Producer.

Border Patrol: Turkey Tries a New Tack on Its Southern Frontier

In this Q and A, Hugh Pope, deputy director of Crisis Group’s Europe and Central Asia Program, discusses Turkey’s latest change in policy towards Syria, Iraq and the coalition against Islamic State.

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