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Displaying 31 - 40 of 115 articles

The Rule of Law in Independent Kosovo

Kosovo must bolster its failing justice system and establish rule of law throughout the country if it is to achieve prosperity and greater international recognition.

Also available in Albanian

Kosovo: Štrpce, a Model Serb Enclave?

Štrpce, one of Kosovo’s largest Serb enclaves and one of the few with good Serb-Albanian relations and economic prospects, risks falling victim to the status dispute between Belgrade and Pristina.

Also available in Albanian, Russian, Serbian and other languages

Serb Integration in Kosovo: Taking the Plunge

More than a year after Kosovo declared independence, integration of its Serb minority remains a key challenge.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Kosovo’s Fragile Transition

Kosovo has taken first state-building steps, but the inter­national community has not met its commitments to provide adequate support.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian

Will the Real Serbia Please Stand Up?

Kosovo’s independence declaration on 17 February 2008 sent shock waves through Serbia’s politics and society, polarising the former in a manner not seen since the Milosevic era.

Also available in Russian

Kosovo’s First Month

A month has passed since Kosovo declared independence on 17 February 2008. Much has gone well, but there is a real risk, as made most evident with the violence on 17 March around the courthouse in north Mitrovica, that partition will harden at the Ibar River in the north, and Kosovo will become another frozen conflict.

Also available in Français, Russian

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