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Displaying 121 - 130 of 168 articles
Briefing / Africa

Securing Congo’s Elections: Lessons from the Kinshasa Showdown

Hours before the first-round results of the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s presidential elections were to be announced in Kinshasa on 20 August 2006, violence erupted between troops loyal to Vice President Jean-Pierre Bemba and those loyal to the incumbent, Joseph Kabila, providing dramatic proof of the fragility of the electoral process.

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Report / Africa

Escaping the Conflict Trap: Promoting Good Governance in the Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s strides toward peace could prove short-lived if the government and donors do not increase efforts to create a transparent and accountable government.

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Report / Africa

Beyond Victimhood: Women’s Peacebuilding in Sudan, Congo and Uganda

Peacebuilding cannot succeed if half the population is excluded from the process. Crisis Group’s research in Sudan, Congo (DRC) and Uganda suggests that peace agreements, post-conflict reconstruction, and governance do better when women are involved.

Report / Africa

Congo's Elections: Making or Breaking the Peace

As the Congo approaches its first free elections in 40 years, the stability of the country remains at risk, for three main reasons.

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Report / Africa

Security Sector Reform in the Congo

No issue is more important than security sector reform in determining the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s prospects for peace and development. Two particular challenges loom large: the security services must be able to maintain order during the national elections scheduled for April 2006 and reduce the country’s staggering mortality rate from the conflict – still well over 30,000 every month.

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