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Displaying 11 - 20 of 67 articles
Report / Europe & Central Asia

Serbia and Kosovo: The Path to Normalisation

Serbia and Kosovo must build on a recent breakthrough in negotiations and extend dialogue to sensitive issues, especially northern Kosovo’s institutions, in order to keep their fragile relationship moving forward.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian

Kosovo and Serbia: Rising Tensions

Marko Prelec, Crisis Group's Balkans Project Director, explains how to defuse tensions between Kosovo and Serbia in advance of Serbia's general elections.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Kosovo and Serbia: A Little Goodwill Could Go a Long Way

The dispute about Kosovo’s sovereignty continues to fuel tensions and violent clashes in northern Kosovo, halting Kosovo’s and Serbia’s fragile dialogue and putting at risk Serbia’s EU candidacy.

Also available in Russian

Kosovo and Serbia after the ICJ Opinion

The development of more realistic, if not yet fully public, attitudes in Kosovo and Serbia suggest a win-win resolution of their dispute is feasible if both sides promptly open talks with the aim of reaching a comprehensive compromise.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian

Will the Real Serbia Please Stand Up?

Kosovo’s independence declaration on 17 February 2008 sent shock waves through Serbia’s politics and society, polarising the former in a manner not seen since the Milosevic era.

Also available in Russian

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