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Displaying 61 - 67 of 67 articles

The Balkan Refugee Crisis

The magnitude and complexity of the unfolding refugee crisis in the Balkans is hard to overstate.  One and a half million people have been forced to flee their homes in Kosovo since the start of this year. 

Milosevic's Aims in War and Diplomacy

The limits of the West's resolve to enforce a solution to the crisis in the Balkans were freshly exposed last week at a press briefing by U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Sidelining Slobodan: Getting rid of Europe's last dictator

With just over two years to run before the end of his term as Yugoslav President, Slobodan Milosevic remains entrenched in power in Belgrade.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Milosevic: Déjà Vu All Over Again?

In the past few weeks the Belgrade authorities have sacked a number of key public officials. The two most prominent were security chief Stanisic and head of the army general staff Perisic. The firings triggered much speculation in the international media about the stability of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic’s regime.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Sandzak: Calm for Now

The Sandzak is an area within the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that borders Serbia and Montenegro.

Inventory of Windfall

When on 15 May 1998 Slobodan Milosevic met with Ibrahim Rugova it was the first time that the Yugoslav president had met with an Albanian leader from Kosovo in close to a decade.

Again, the Visible Hand

Kosovo, an impoverished region at the southern tip of Serbia, is drawing ineluctably closer to war with each passing day.

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