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Displaying 131 - 140 of 141 articles

A Western Strategy for Ukraine

Crisis Group President & CEO Jean-Marie Guéhenno explains Crisis Group's ten point strategy on how Western powers can defuse one of the greatest post-Cold War threats to European stability and global order.

The Ukraine Crisis: Risks of Renewed Military Conflict after Minsk II

Danger of renewed fighting in Ukraine’s east is mounting. Crisis Group’s new briefing shows that neither side is looking to compromise or able to win outright. Our accompanying statement sets out a new Western strategy with Russia to defuse one of the greatest post-Cold War threats to European stability and global order.

Also available in Russian

Russia and the U.S. in Ukraine and the Middle East

Crisis Group President & CEO Jean-Marie Guéhenno speaks to Russia Today’s “Worlds Apart”.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Eastern Ukraine: A Dangerous Winter

Winter in Ukraine is injecting further uncertainty into an already volatile conflict. After well over 5,000 deaths and eight months of war, eastern Ukraine – particularly the separatist-held parts of Donetsk and Luhansk – now runs the risk of a humanitarian crisis. All parties involved in the conflict should refrain from offensive operations, concentrating instead on helping the population survive the winter, and laying the groundwork for a political settlement.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

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