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Displaying 91 - 100 of 161 articles

The Day After Tomorrow: preparing for peace in Colombia

Speech to the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia.

El principio del fin del conflicto armado en Colombia

No hay una receta mágica para lograr que las FARC se reintegren a la vida civil.

Peace in Colombia?: Recognising the Victims

Crisis Group’s Latin America Program Director Javier Ciurlizza explains how judicial accountability can put an end to the 50-year old Colombian conflict.

Also available in Español

Peace in Colombia?: Making the Process Work

Crisis Group’s Latin America Program Director Javier Ciurlizza explains how people in Colombia are divided over the peace process, especially when it comes to the reintegration of guerrilla fighters into civilian life, and highlights the need to ensure the conflict is a core concern of Colombians.

Also available in Español

Peace in Colombia?: The International Community

Crisis Group’s Latin America Program Director Javier Ciurlizza discusses the role of the international community in supporting Colombia in its transition to peace.

Also available in Español

The Day after Tomorrow: Colombia’s FARC and the End of the Conflict

As they move toward a final peace agreement, the negotiators of the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) face the challenge of laying out a credible path for guerrilla fighters to abandon arms and reintegrate into society.

Also available in Español

Left in the Cold? The ELN and Colombia’s Peace Talks

Bringing the National Liberation Army (ELN) into the current round of negotiations is vital for durable peace.

Also available in Español

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