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Displaying 121 - 130 of 184 articles

The Implications of Turkey’s Turn Toward Fighting ISIS

This interview with Crisis Group’s Turkey and Cyprus Analyst,  Didem Aykel Collinsworth, is adapted and republished here with permission from Syria Deeply and Katarina Montgomery, Syria Deeply’s Digital Producer.

Why ISIS Is Gaining Ground – and So Hard to Beat

This interview with Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Syria, Noah Bonsey, is adapted and republished here with permission from Syria Deeply and Lara Setrakian, Syria Deeply’s Co-Founder and Executive Editor.

The situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and Levant

In this testimony to the Defence Committee of the UK Parliament, Joost Hiltermann, Chief Operating Officer, explains the situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by the Islamic State (IS).

What lies behind the “Islamic State” threat

This interview with Crisis Group’s Project Director for Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria and Senior Middle East and North Africa Adviser, Peter Harling, is translated and republished here with permission from Le Point.

Also available in Français

Rigged Cars and Barrel Bombs: Aleppo and the State of the Syrian War

Syria is sliding toward unending war between an autocratic, sectarian regime and the even more autocratic, more sectarian jihadi group that has made dramatic gains in both Syria and Iraq. Without either a ceasefire in Aleppo or greater support from its state backers, the mainstream opposition is likely to suffer a defeat that will dash chances of a political resolution for the foreseeable future.

Also available in Arabic, Chinese, Simplified

Lebanon’s Hizbollah Turns Eastward to Syria

Hizbollah’s intervention in Syria strengthens the Assad regime but transforms the Shiite movement as it redefines the enemy and itself within the confines of an increasingly sectarian struggle.

Also available in Arabic

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