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Displaying 171 - 180 of 184 articles

Engaging Syria? U.S. Constraints and Opportunities

Candidate Obama pledged that his Middle East policy would include re-engagement with Syria; President Obama will find that the past is not easily overcome.

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Engaging Syria? Lessons from the French Experience

How is one to engage Damascus? As the incoming U.S. administration examines the future of its relationship with Syria, seemingly persuaded that an improvement in bilateral ties and an Israeli-Syrian agreement could fundamentally modify the regional landscape, France’s recent experience offers useful lessons.

Also available in Arabic, Français

Failed Responsibility: Iraqi Refugees in Syria, Jordan and Lebanon

A refugee crisis was feared before the coalition invasion of Iraq in 2003, but it came later than anticipated, and on a greater scale.

Also available in Arabic

Restarting Israeli-Syrian Negotiations

Abruptly interrupted in 2000, Israeli-Syrian negotiations seem only a distant possibility but a renewal is urgent and would have a real chance of success.

Also available in Arabic, Français

Crisis Group Board Calls for Urgent New Commitment to Arab-Israeli Peace

The formation of a Palestinian national unity government and the renewed commitment by Arab League states to the Arab peace initiative create a genuine opportunity for progress toward Arab-Israeli peace which must not be missed.

Syria After Lebanon, Lebanon After Syria

Former Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri’s tragic assassination capped a series of events that carry the potential of fundamentally altering not only Lebanon’s future, but also Syria’s and the broader regional landscape as well.

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