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Displaying 161 - 170 of 199 articles

Iraq: Don't Rush the Constitution

The next stage in Iraq's political transition, the drafting and adoption of a permanent constitution, will be critical to the country's long-term stability.

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Iran in Iraq: How Much Influence?

Iran’s influence in Iraq has been one of the most talked about but least understood aspects of the post-war situation.

Also available in Arabic

Iraq: Allaying Turkey's Fears Over Kurdish Ambitions

In northern Iraq, largely unnoticed, a conflict is brewing that, if allowed to boil over, could precipitate civil war, break-up of the country and in a worst-case scenario Turkish intervention.

Also available in Arabic, Français

What Can the U.S. Do in Iraq?

In Iraq, the U.S. is engaged in a war it already may have lost while losing sight of a struggle in which it still may have time to prevail.

Iraq: Can Local Governance Save Central Government?

With much territory beyond the Interim Government's control, sectarian and ethnic forces threatening to pull the country apart, and national elections likely to be postponed or held in parts of the country only, the best - perhaps only - way to hold Iraq together is to concentrate on local governance.

Also available in Arabic

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