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Displaying 71 - 80 of 199 articles

The Peshmerga Regression

How U.S. Aid Is Undermining Years of Progress Professionalizing the Force

Arming Iraq’s Kurds: Fighting IS, Inviting Conflict

The US-led coalition’s military assistance to Kurdish forces against the Islamic State (IS) is inadvertently accelerating intra-Kurdish fragmentation. The West should coordinate its aid better, build upon Iraqi Kurdistan’s past efforts in transforming its peshmergas into a professional military, and encourage Kurdish coordination with Iraq’s central government in the fight against IS.

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Clearing the Landmines from Iraqi Kurdistan’s Future

This commentary is drawn from a speech delivered by Crisis Group’s Middle East and North Africa Program Director Joost Hiltermann at the Sulaimani Forum in Suleimaniya, Iraq, on 11 March 2015. 

Thousands from Central Asia joining ‘Islamic State’

In this interview, Crisis Group’s Central Asia Project Director, Deirdre Tynan, speaks about the main findings of Crisis Group’s report, Syria Calling: Radicalisation in Central Asia, and explains that the Islamic State is fostering new links among radicals within the region.

Also available in Deutsch

The situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and Levant

In this testimony to the Defence Committee of the UK Parliament, Joost Hiltermann, Chief Operating Officer, explains the situation in Iraq and Syria and the threat posed by the Islamic State (IS).

What lies behind the “Islamic State” threat

This interview with Crisis Group’s Project Director for Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria and Senior Middle East and North Africa Adviser, Peter Harling, is translated and republished here with permission from Le Point.

Also available in Français

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