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Podcast / Africa

Eastern Africa’s Jihadis: Somalia

In this second episode of The Horn’s mini-series exploring jihadism along the Swahili coast, Alan Boswell talks to regional expert Samira Gaid about the evolution of Al-Shabaab and how Somalia can use external stabilisation support more effectively.

Podcast / Africa

Eastern Africa’s Jihadis: The Roots

This special mini-series of Crisis Group’s The Horn explores jihadism along the Swahili coast. In this first episode, Alan Boswell talks to Ngala Chome ​​about the history of militant ideologies in Eastern Africa and how states can better address their growing threat.

Podcast / Africa

Does a Better Decade Lie Ahead for South Sudan?

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell welcomes Dr. Luka Biong Deng Kuol, a South Sudanese former minister and academic, to reflect on South Sudan’s trajectory since achieving independence ten years ago and whether it can still change course toward a more stable future.

Podcast / Africa

What’s Driving Sudan and Ethiopia Apart?

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Annette Weber, senior fellow with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, to talk about deteriorating Ethiopia-Sudan relations, the risk of a regional crisis and EU policy in the Horn of Africa.

Podcast / Africa

Somalia’s Dangerous Impasse

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Mohamed Mubarak, a political and security analyst, to talk about the ongoing political crisis in Somalia, fighting in Mogadishu, and the long-term implications of the current impasse.

Podcast / Africa

What Does Reconciliation among Gulf States Mean for Africa?

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Gulf States, Elham Fakhro, to discuss what the recent accord between the Gulf countries means for their geopolitical rivalries in the Horn of Africa.

Podcast / Africa

Risks of Starvation Rise in Ethiopia's Tigray War

This week on The Horn, renowned scholar Alex de Waal joins Alan Boswell for a grim assessment of the humanitarian situation developing in Ethiopia’s conflict-embroiled Tigray region. He fears it will tip into famine if the international community fails to act now.

Podcast / Africa

Uganda After Its Troubling Elections

This week on The Horn, Africa editor at Nation Media Group Daniel Kalinaki joins Alan Boswell for a deep dive into what Uganda’s latest elections revealed about President Museveni’s hold on power and the likelihood of future instability.

Podcast / Africa

Africa in 2021

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Naz Modirzadeh and Richard Atwood look at trends on the African continent in 2021 with Crisis Group’s Africa Program Director and interim Vice President Comfort Ero, from the rising violent jihadist threat to political transitions and the impact of COVID-19.

Podcast / Africa

Somalia's Election Crisis

This week on The Horn, Crisis Group’s Somalia expert Omar Mahmood joins Alan Boswell to assess the likelihood of disorder once President Farmajo’s mandate ends on February 8 and the urgency of renewed consensus on an extended process for new elections.

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