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Displaying 141 - 150 of 324 articles

Shoring Up the Status Quo at Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade

Defusing conflict over Jerusalem’s holiest site.

How to Preserve the Fragile Calm at Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade

A deceptive calm on Jerusalem’s Holy Esplanade is unlikely to hold under pressure from the ongoing “third intifada”, widespread dissatisfaction among Palestinian youth and growing Jewish Temple activism. Bolstering the 1967 Status Quo arrangement remains crucial, but immediate attention must be on maintaining more recent understandings on access to the Esplanade as the religious holiday season begins.

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Explaining Israel’s Wave of Violence

A wave of violence has gripped Israel, stirring questions of a Third Intifada. In this interview with Moment Magazine, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for Israel/Palestine Ofer Zalzberg explains how the violence began and what can be done to quell it.

Trouble on Holy Ground

Has Israel upset the centuries-old status quo at one of the holiest sites in Islam and Judaism?

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