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Displaying 171 - 180 of 324 articles

Gaza and Israel: New Obstacles, New Solutions

To break the violent impasse, Israel must change its policy toward Hamas and work toward a lasting ceasefire, recognising how much its own stability depends on the stability of Gaza.

In Gaza, A Bid to Restore Deterrence

In this translated interview, Ofer Zalzberg, Crisis Group’s senior Middle East and North Africa analyst, speaks to Le Monde about the factors that have contributed to the escalation of the Israeli military offensive.

Also available in Français

The Next Round in Gaza

With Hamas’s fortunes on the decline and Gaza suffering its worst isolation and economic constriction in years, it is only a matter of time until a flare-up with Israel escalates into a major conflagration – unless the two reach a modest understanding to extend a fragile quiet.

Also available in Arabic

Leap of Faith: Israel’s National Religious and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

For peace talks to produce an agreement enjoying maximum legitimacy, Israel’s national-religious community should be engaged lest it obstruct the path to peace.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

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