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Displaying 181 - 190 of 324 articles

Buying Time? Money, Guns and Politics in the West Bank

The West Bank is experiencing rising instability and insecurity that palliative measures can help contain but can neither reverse nor end in the absence of a broad political settlement.

Also available in Arabic

Extreme Makeover? (II): The Withering of Arab Jerusalem

The announcement of significant new Israeli settlement construction in East Jerusalem has put the spotlight on the city, but the changes it has undergone since 2000, when the parties first negotiated its fate, are far broader and have far deeper roots. Israelis, Palestinians and the international community must adjust their strategies accordingly, or Arab East Jerusalem will continue its perilous decline, with catastrophic consequences for all.

Also available in Arabic, Chinese, Simplified, Hebrew and other languages

Extreme Makeover? (I): Israel’s Politics of Land and Faith in East Jerusalem

The announcement of significant new Israeli settlement construction in East Jerusalem has put the spotlight on the city, but the changes it has undergone since 2000, when the parties first negotiated its fate, are far broader and have far deeper roots. Israelis, Palestinians and the international community must adjust their strategies accordingly, or Arab East Jerusalem will continue its perilous decline, with catastrophic consequences for all.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

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