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Displaying 21 - 30 of 323 articles

The Problem Isn’t Just Netanyahu, It’s Israeli Society

Despite blaming the prime minister, a large majority of Jewish Israeli citizens support his destructive policies in Gaza and beyond.

America, Iran, and the Patron’s Dilemma

The Backers of Israel and Hamas Didn’t Start the War in Gaza—but They Can End It

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How Israel Mastered Information Warfare in Gaza

Pro-Israel misinformation aimed at dismissing and discrediting Palestinian narratives is the fruit of a decade-long effort.

Starving Gaza

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group experts Azmi Keshawi, Robert Blecher and Mairav Zonszein about the UN’s warning that famine is looming in Gaza.

The Double Standards Debate at the UN

The Gaza war has led to acrimony at UN headquarters, with critics accusing the U.S. and its allies of hypocrisy in dealing with international crises. The rows are indeed divisive, but many member states seem not to want them to obstruct all other diplomacy. 

The West Bank: Besieged by Violence

In this video, Senior Palestine Analyst Tahani Mustafa talks about the increase of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank since the 7th of October.

The Danger of Regional War in the Middle East

Israel’s campaign in Gaza in response to Hamas’s 7 October 2023 attacks still overshadows Middle East politics, with the spectre of wider war or other regional instability ever present even as ceasefire talks appear to be making progress. Crisis Group experts offer a 360-degree view.

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Biden’s New Policy on Security Assistance, NSM-20, Will Not Save Gaza

While a step forward in some ways such as congressional reporting requirements, the policy memorandum’s loopholes and limitations will only create additional processes and maintain the status quo. 

Only the US can stop an Israeli move into Rafah

Joe Biden's pressure on Israel must go beyond stern words and leaked angry conversations.

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