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Displaying 211 - 220 of 324 articles

Gaza: The Next Israeli-Palestinian War?

Amidst a serious escalation of deadly violence, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas must urgently be achieved to prevent the situation spinning out of control.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Turkey’s Crises over Israel and Iran

While suspicions in Western capitals about its relationship with Iran and tensions with Israel have dealt setbacks to its “zero-problem” foreign policy, Turkey shares many of the goals of its Western partners and should continue to play an important role in resolving Middle Eastern and other conflicts.

Also available in Turkish

Squaring the Circle: Palestinian Security Reform under Occupation

Security reform is one of the Palestinian Authority's most notable successes, but recent attacks on West Bank settlers, coinciding with resumed Israeli-Palestinian talks, illustrate the difficulties in sustaining such progress as long as the occupation and internal Palestinian divisions persist.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

Drums of War: Israel and the “Axis of Resistance”

The Israeli-Lebanese border is exceptionally calm and uniquely dangerous, both for the same reason: fear that a new round of hostilities would be far more violent and could spill over regionally.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew

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