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Displaying 41 - 50 of 324 articles

Diplomacy Must Prevail in Israel-Hizbollah Conflict

Thus far, Hizbollah and Israel have avoided a disastrous escalation on the Israeli-Lebanese border as the Gaza war rages. But trouble lies ahead. Western-led mediation remains the best way to restore security to the frontier.

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The Latest Round in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

In this online event, Crisis Group experts from our MENA Program discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza and their repercussions for the region.

A Way Out for Gaza

Israel’s offensive in Gaza is taking a terrible human toll that can only climb the longer the fighting goes on, with mounting risks of wider war. The U.S. needs to push vigorously and without delay for a ceasefire.

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Any attempt to run Gaza like the West Bank will fail – and Hamas will benefit

The next administration is more likely to appear by default than by design, something that doesn’t bode well for Palestinians.

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Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Europe’s Struggle to Respond to the Gaza War

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Elissa Jobson talk to Julien Barnes-Dacey, director of the Middle East and North Africa Program at ECFR, about Europe’s response to the Gaza war and European foreign policy in the Middle East.

Iran: Gaza, “Axis of Resistance” and Nuclear Calculations

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group’s Iran Project Director Ali Vaez, to discuss how Iran sees the Gaza war, the danger of a region-wide confrontation and Tehran’s nuclear calculations.

With All Eyes on Gaza, Israel Tightens Its Grip on the West Bank

The Israeli army has locked down the West Bank since 7 October, staging several incursions into Palestinian cities, as settler violence also rises. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Tahani Mustafa looks at the consequences of this escalation.

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No Exit From Gaza

Why Israel—and the United States—Has Only Bad Options for the Day After

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Will There Be a Day After for Gaza?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard is joined by Crisis Group experts Tahani Mustafa and Heiko Wimmen and USMEP President Daniel Levy to discuss Israeli operations in Gaza, rising violence in the West Bank and escalation risks on the Israel-Lebanon border.

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