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Displaying 31 - 40 of 44 articles

Egypt Victorious?

Elijah Zarwan, Crisis Group’s North Africa Senior Analyst, looks at the developments in Egypt and what needs to be done in order to ensure a smooth transition to an enduring democracy.

Popular Protest in North Africa and the Middle East (I): Egypt Victorious?

If Egypt’s popular uprising is to achieve its aspirations for a truly democratic society, street activism will need to be converted into inclusive, institutional politics.

Also available in Arabic, Hebrew, Russian and other languages

Crisis Group Condemns Detention of Mohamed ElBaradei and Violence against Demonstrators

The International Crisis Group strongly condemns the detention of Mohamed ElBaradei in Cairo today.

Egypt’s Muslim Brothers: Confrontation or Integration?

The Society of Muslim Brothers’ success in the November-December 2005 elections for the People’s Assembly sent shockwaves through Egypt’s political system.

Also available in Arabic

Egypt’s Sinai Question

Terrorism returned to Egypt in 2004 after an absence of seven years with successive attacks and the emergence of a heretofore unknown movement in Sinai. The government’s reaction essentially has been confined to the security sphere: tracking down and eliminating the terrorists.

Also available in Arabic, Français

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