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Displaying 1 - 10 of 84 articles

Can Nuclear Arms Control Survive a Changing World Order?

This week on War & Peace, Olga and Elissa are joined by Joe Cirincione, national security analyst and a leading expert on non-proliferation, to discuss the nuclear escalation risks of the war in Ukraine, U.S. nuclear policy and the looming collapse of global arms control.

Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud: Russia’s New Vision for Taking on the West

In its latest foreign policy blueprint, published at the end of March, the Kremlin outlines ambitious but vague plans for countering the United States and Washington’s allies around the globe

Op-Ed / Europe & Central Asia

North Kosovo Won’t be Stable While Belgrade and Pristina are at Loggerheads

The barricades may be down for now, but long-term peace in northern Kosovo depends on a final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia.

Video / Europe & Central Asia

Ukraine Needs the West's Help this Winter | In Black & White

In this video, Simon Schlegel speaks about Russia's attacks against Ukraine's power supply, his personal experience living through it and what the West can do to help.

Managing the Risks of Instability in the Western Balkans

The Western Balkan six – five of the former Yugoslavia’s successor states plus Albania – remain outside the EU as war wounds fester and reform efforts stumble. Brussels should find means short of promising accession to help guide these countries back onto the right track.

Finland’s NATO Application, Western Policy in Ukraine and the War’s Global Fallout

This week on Hold Your Fire! Richard Atwood talks with former Finnish Prime Minister and Crisis Group trustee Alexander Stubb about Finland’s decision to apply for NATO membership, Russia’s war in Ukraine and the war’s global repercussions.

Peacemaking After Ukraine: A Look at Nagorno-Karabakh and Libya

This week on Hold Your Fire! Richard Atwood asks Crisis Group experts how the Ukraine war has affected peacemaking elsewhere, notably Nagorno-Karabakh, where Moscow plays a major diplomatic role, and Libya, where the Kremlin backs one of the conflict’s main protagonists.

Changing Dynamics in the Western Balkans

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker talks to Crisis Group expert Marko Prelec about the precarious situation in the Western Balkans, as Serb separatism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the frozen Kosovo-Serbia dispute continue to stoke regional instability.

Examining U.S. Interests and Regional Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean

In a 31 March hearing before the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Crisis Group’s Deputy Program Director for Europe and Central Asia Alissa de Carbonnel testified on energy diplomacy in the eastern Mediterranean, U.S. interests and regional cooperation.

The UN Is Another Casualty of Russia’s War

Why the Organization Might Never Bounce Back.

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