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Displaying 61 - 70 of 160 articles
Speech / Africa

Peace, Security and Development: Taking Security Challenges into Account in Development Financing

Speech by Comfort Ero, Program Director for Africa, to the 975th session of the African Union Peace and Security Council.

Podcast / Africa

Somalia's Election Crisis

This week on The Horn, Crisis Group’s Somalia expert Omar Mahmood joins Alan Boswell to assess the likelihood of disorder once President Farmajo’s mandate ends on February 8 and the urgency of renewed consensus on an extended process for new elections.

Report / Africa

How to Spend It: New EU Funding for African Peace and Security

New financial structures will soon allow the EU to fund African military operations – including the supply of lethal weaponry – directly, instead of through the African Union. To avoid aggravating conflicts, Brussels should undertake robust risk assessments, constantly monitor its assistance, insist that recipient countries subordinate military efforts to political strategies and preserve African Union oversight.

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Podcast / Africa

2021 in the Horn of Africa

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Crisis Group’s Project Director for the Horn of Africa Murithi Mutiga to discuss what he’s watching for across the region in 2021.

Podcast / Africa

As Conflicts Mount, Where Does Ethiopia Go from Here?

Ethiopia has declared that its main military operation in northern Tigray is over, but fighting persists and existential questions hang over the country’s transition. This week on The Horn, Adem Kassie Abebe joins Alan to discuss how Prime Minister Abiy should navigate the troubled waters ahead.

Podcast / Africa

Biden and Africa – Same Old, or New Era?

This week on The Horn, Crisis Group’s Brittany Brown joins Alan to unpack how the incoming Biden administration may recalibrate U.S. foreign policy toward the Horn and the African continent at large after four years of Trump’s unconventional presidency.

Podcast / Africa

Ethiopia’s Slide Toward Civil War

This week on The Horn, clashes have broken out between Ethiopia’s federal troops and forces in northern Tigray. Crisis Group experts covering the long-feared escalation and the broader Horn of Africa discuss reaching a ceasefire and how to address the underlying need for a broader national dialogue.

Podcast / Africa

Sudan's U.S. Terror Delisting: Too Little, Too Late?

Sudan's transition is in deep trouble, and Crisis Group’s Sudan expert Jonas Horner explains why on this week’s episode of The Horn. President Trump’s recent promise to remove Sudan from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism may not be enough to mitigate the spiralling economic crisis.

Commentary / Africa

The Islamic State Franchises in Africa: Lessons from Lake Chad

While in decline in the Levant, the Islamic State has claimed some gains in Africa. Testimonies from defectors who once waged jihad in the Lake Chad basin shed new light on the impact and workings of the “caliphate” south of the Sahara.

Also available in Français
Podcast / Africa

Strengthening Africa’s Hand in Peace and Security

In this week’s episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell examines peace and security challenges on the African continent with Hanna Tetteh, UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Representative to the Secretary-General to the African Union.

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