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Fear, Lies and Lucre: How Criminal Groups Weaponise Social Media in Mexico

Social media is becoming a major source of information about violent crime in Mexico, with many hotspots too dangerous for journalists. But much of what appears is inaccurate or misleading, posted by criminal groups themselves. Platforms should adapt their policies to minimise the risks.

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Haiti’s Gangs: Can a Foreign Mission Break Their Stranglehold?

The UN Security Council has approved deployment of a Kenyan-led force to Haiti to help battle criminal gangs the police cannot subdue alone. The mission will need to tread carefully – both in prior planning and once on the ground – to sidestep pitfalls in its path.

Also available in Français, Español

A Way Out for Gaza

Israel’s offensive in Gaza is taking a terrible human toll that can only climb the longer the fighting goes on, with mounting risks of wider war. The U.S. needs to push vigorously and without delay for a ceasefire.

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Briefing / Africa

Ethiopia’s Ominous New War in Amhara

A rebellion in the Amhara region risks plunging Ethiopia into wider conflict. The federal government should seek talks with the militants as part of efforts to resolve the country’s interlocking crises. Outside powers should keep nudging Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to take this conciliatory tack.

Briefing / Africa

Avoiding a New Cycle of Conflict in Somalia’s Galmudug State

Polls likely due in 2024 could unsettle Galmudug, a building block of Somalia’s federal project, increasing frictions along clan and other lines. State and federal authorities have a shared interest in ensuring a clean vote. They should cooperate toward that end.


Briefing / Asia

Treading a Rocky Path: The Ta’ang Army Expands in Myanmar’s Shan State

With Myanmar’s military fighting on other fronts, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army is firming up its foothold in the country’s north. Clashes with other ethnic armed groups are possible. The Ta’ang group should focus on improving governance in its areas, in conjunction with civil society.


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Briefing / Africa

Keeping Jihadists Out of Northern Côte d’Ivoire

The Islamist militants in the Sahel have made repeated sorties into coastal West African countries, including Côte d’Ivoire. So far, Abidjan has largely repulsed their attempted advances, with a mix of security and socio-economic initiatives. It should redouble its efforts on both fronts.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Africa

Rwanda’s Growing Role in the Central African Republic

Rwanda has become a major player in the Central African Republic, helping the government fight insurgents, supporting state reforms and investing in numerous businesses. This engagement has rewards but also comes with risks. Bangui and Kigali should act now to minimise the latter.

Also available in Français
Briefing / Africa

A Race against Time to Halt Sudan’s Collapse

Ferocious fighting in the capital and elsewhere is tipping one of Africa’s largest countries ever closer to falling apart. There are no easy ways to halt the carnage. All with influence should do everything possible to stop Sudan’s slide into even greater disaster.

Briefing / Asia

Southern Thailand’s Stop-start Peace Dialogue

Negotiations between Bangkok and the main insurgent group in Thailand’s southernmost provinces are on hold, after making some promising advances. Structural and procedural changes could help keep the talks going when they resume.

Also available in Bahasa Malaysia, Thai

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