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Report / Asia

Beyond the Election: Overcoming Bangladesh’s Political Deadlock

Bangladesh is heading into general elections with the opposition sitting out the vote after staging major protests. With dissatisfaction growing among the public, the ruling party and its rivals should hold negotiations to curb the risk of further turmoil.

Also available in Bengali

Tunisia’s Challenge: Avoiding Default and Preserving Peace

Along with democratic backsliding, Tunisia is facing an economic crunch, magnified by foreign debt it is struggling to repay. Outside actors should keep pressing the government on human rights, while looking for ways – chiefly, a revised IMF loan – to stave off the worst-case scenarios.

Also available in Arabic, Français
Report / Africa

Burkina Faso: Arming Civilians at the Cost of Social Cohesion?

President Ibrahim Traoré has reinforced the role of Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDPs) in Burkina Faso's fight with jihadists. While VDP militias help secure national territory, their actions also fuel violence. With the help of external partners, the authorities should rein them in.

Also available in Français
Report / Asia

Crisis Mounts for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

Nearly a million Rohingya remain stuck in Bangladesh, with little hope of going home soon, as violence rises in the camps and international agencies trim their assistance. Donors should scale the aid back up, while Dhaka should modify its approach to allow for long-term planning. 

Also available in Bengali, Burmese, Chinese, Simplified and other languages

Partners in Crime: The Rise of Women in Mexico’s Illegal Groups

More and more women are joining the criminal outfits battling for turf in Mexico, heightening the dangers these groups pose. To arrest this trend, and to help offenders leave these groups, authorities should cooperate with civil society to provide alternative pathways to earning a living.

Also available in Español
Report / Asia

Thin Ice in the Himalayas: Handling the India-China Border Dispute

Frictions along the India-China frontier have heated up following a burst of fighting in 2020, the first in decades. The danger of more will lurk as long as the countries disagree over where the line lies. Both should take steps to manage the mounting risks.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

Bottleneck of the Americas: Crime and Migration in the Darién Gap

Migrants from far and wide are trekking northward through the Darién Gap, a dense jungle where they face dangers including criminal predation. Steps to improve law enforcement, ease crises in countries of origin and provide more humanitarian aid would push policy in the right direction.

Also available in Español
Report / Africa

Elections in DR Congo: Reducing the Risk of Violence

There are many risks looming over the next electoral cycle in the Democratic Republic of Congo. To mitigate these risks, the government should ensure that all parties can campaign freely, and African and Western powers should encourage the parties to find compromises and prepare for mediation in case it is needed.

Also available in Français
Report / Asia

Preventing War in the Taiwan Strait

The danger of armed confrontation over Taiwan is growing, raising the spectre of a direct conflict between China and the U.S. that would have severe global repercussions. Managing this risk will require the parties to rebuild trust by shoring up decades-old understandings.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

UNRWA’s Reckoning: Preserving the UN Agency Serving Palestinian Refugees

Millions of Palestinian refugees rely on the UN Relief and Works Agency for services and employment opportunities. But the agency’s finances are in dire straits, putting the refugees’ wellbeing at risk. Donors should step up with sustainable, predictable, multi-year funding.


Also available in Arabic

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