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Displaying 11 - 20 of 220 articles
Podcast / Global

Trump, Biden and the Future of U.S. Multilateralism

This week on Ripple Effect, Michael is joined by Leslie Vinjamuri, U.S. and Americas program director at Chatham House and Richard Gowan, Crisis Group’s UN director, to discuss how the November elections might change U.S. approach to multilateralism and Washington’s relations with the UN.

The Double Standards Debate at the UN

The Gaza war has led to acrimony at UN headquarters, with critics accusing the U.S. and its allies of hypocrisy in dealing with international crises. The rows are indeed divisive, but many member states seem not to want them to obstruct all other diplomacy. 

Video / Global

Lord (Mark) Malloch Brown on the need to reform multilateral institutions

In this video, Lord (Mark) Malloch Brown discusses the precarious state of liberalism and democracy, and the bearing that this has upon multilateralism.

Q&A / Africa

The Security Council Agrees to Consider Funding AU Peace Operations

In late December 2023, the UN Security Council signed on to a framework for channelling UN funds to African Union-led peacekeeping missions. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Daniel Forti and Liesl Louw-Vaudran unpack the agreement and its implications.

Briefing / Africa

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2024

With deadly conflict raging in countries across the continent, the African Union has much to do in helping make peace in the year ahead. This briefing identifies eight tasks in particular need of the organisation’s time and attention.

Also available in Français
EU Watch List / Global

Watch List 2024

Crisis Group’s Watch List identifies ten countries or regions at risk of deadly conflict or escalation thereof in 2024. In these places, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could enhance prospects for peace and stability.

Commentary / Global

How the UN Can Make the Most of the New Agenda for Peace

The UN Secretary-General has encountered resistance to many of the ideas for strengthening international peace and security he laid out in a July policy brief. Achieving consensus on large-scale multilateral reform will be hard, but a summit in 2024 is a focus for limited innovation.

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