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Displaying 151 - 160 of 224 articles

Venezuela in Crisis

The results of the December 2015 parliamentary elections could have been an opportunity to seek a negotiated solution to Venezuela's protracted political crisis. Instead, the country is in a spiral of confrontation and chaos. In this video, Crisis Group Andes Senior Analyst Phil Gunson, and former Crisis Group Latin America Program Director Javier Ciurlizza explain how political confrontation, economic mismanagement and crime have pushed Venezuela to the brink of collapse.

War in Yemen

Since March 2015, a civil war has been raging in Yemen involving several outside military powers. April Longley Alley, Senior Analyst for the Arabian Peninsula, explains how Yemen reached this destructive impasse.

Video / Africa

Challenges for South Sudan and the Role of the International Community

International Crisis Group and the Embassy of Japan in Belgium co-hosted the event "From Prolonged Crisis to Sustainable Peace: Challenges for South Sudan and the Role of the International Community", on 17 November 2015 in Brussels to discuss how to support the August peace agreement to end South Sudan’s civil war. South Sudan’s Foreign Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin, representatives of African states and the donor community discussed the world’s newest state’s development and security challenges.

The Prize: Libya's Hydrocarbon Wealth

The struggle over Libya’s hydrocarbon infrastructure and the institutions that manage its wealth reflect the myriad challenges of the post-Qadhafi era. In this video, our Senior Libya Analyst, Claudia Gazzini, explains the complex overlapping issues around the fight for Libya's energy wealth and how we went about researching the topic.

Video / Africa

Burkina Faso Goes to the Polls

Crisis Group's West Africa Analyst Cynthia Ohayon explains the challenges of the upcoming elections in Burkina Faso and measures how to mitigate the country's tensions after the failed coup in September 2015.

Video / Global

With Your Help, We Can Help

The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation covering over 60 crisis-affected countries and territories across four continents, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.

Video / Africa

South Sudan: Keeping Faith in the IGAD Peace Process

For more than eighteen months, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), the regional body mediating peace negotiations to end South Sudan’s civil war, has struggled to secure a deal in the face of deep regional divisions and the parties’ truculence. In this video, Crisis Group's South Sudan Analyst Casie Copeland explains how to overcome these challenges.

Video / Asia

The Uncertain Future of the Afghan Local Police

While the Afghan Local Police (ALP) began as a small U.S. experiment, it has grown into a significant part of the country's security apparatus. After travelling around Afghanistan for the last few years, Crisis Group's senior Afghanistan analyst, Graeme Smith, sheds some light on the uncertain nature of the ALP, and looks at the confusion surrounding whether they are harming or helping the situation.

The Limits of the Islamic State in Libya

After returning from the frontlines, Crisis Group's Libya Senior Analyst Claudia Gazzini speaks to our Director of Communications and Outreach Hugh Pope to report her major findings on the presence of the Islamic State in the country. Gazzini argues that the critical humanitarian situation and the internal division of the many factions of this conflict can only be solved by, first, stopping the arms and economic supply to the actors involved and, second, pushing the peace talks forward.

A Geopolitical Deal to Save Syria

Crisis Group's Middle East and North Africa Program Director Joost Hiltermann explains how a genuine geopolitical deal could be the best chance to rescue Syria from a conflict whose human cost and capacity for transnational radicalisation are increasing at a devastating rate.

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