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Displaying 151 - 160 of 179 articles
Commentary / Africa

New Risks on Nigeria’s Shiite Fault Line

On 12 and 13 December, Nigerian government troops clashed with members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN). Their battle in the city of Zaria, in north central Kaduna state, reportedly killed more than 100 people, including some senior movement members, and threatened wider violence.

EU Watch List / Global

Watch List – December 2015

This early-warning report identifies ten conflict situations in which prompt action by the European Union and its member states, as well as other international and regional actors, would generate stronger prospects for peace.

The Dangers of a European War on Terror

European countries need to take military action and rally around democratic values.

Commentary / Africa

What Could Be Behind the Bamako Attack?

In this Q&A, we talk to our Senior Sahel Analyst Jean-Hervé Jezequel about this raid, how it might relate to the Malian stumbling peace process, or whether a more global dynamic could be at play.

Beirut Bombing Widens Lebanon’s Shiite-Sunni Divide

In this Q&A, Crisis Group’s Senior Lebanon Analyst Sahar Atrache explains the background and significance of the attack. 

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