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Displaying 151 - 160 of 220 articles
Commentary / Asia

Keeping Intra-Afghan Talks on Track

The peace talks between the Afghan government and Taliban offer a genuine opportunity for peace although obstacles abound. In this excerpt from our Watch List 2020 – Autumn Update, Crisis Group urges the EU and its member states to continue pushing for a more inclusive peace process, specifically in terms of women’s representation in the negotiations, avoid singling out the Taliban as responsible for obstacles for peace, and reassure the Afghan government by continuing aid into the future.


Watch List 2020 Autumn Update (Video)

Watch our video summarising the 2020 EU Watch List Autumn Update’s main recommendations on how the EU can act for peace.


Watch List 2020 Autumn Update (Video)

Watch our video summarising the 2020 EU Watch List Autumn Update’s main recommendations on how the EU can act for peace.

Climate Change Doesn’t Have to Stoke Conflict

Politics matter more than the environment when it comes to war and peace

War & Peace: Europe and Iran

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope discuss the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with Rob Malley, lead negotiator of the plan. They discuss Europe's contribution to the deal and the role of the EU and Russia in the ongoing standoff between the U.S. and Iran.

Q&A / Multilateral Diplomacy

Behind the Snapback Debate at the UN

In mid-August, Washington notified the UN Security Council that it was launching a 30-day process to “snap back” UN sanctions against Iran. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Richard Gowan, Ashish Pradhan and Naysan Rafati explain what this step implies for the 2015 nuclear agreement.

Also available in Arabic, Persian, Farsi

Iran: The U.S. Brings Maximum Pressure to the UN

The Trump administration continues its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, now with an attempt to restore pre-2015 UN sanctions, a right reserved for signatories to the nuclear deal it abandoned. Other UN Security Council members should disregard this gambit and urge Tehran not to overreact. 

Also available in Arabic, Persian, Farsi

Salvaging the Security Council’s Coronavirus Response

On 1 July, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution calling for a global COVID-19 ceasefire, as the Secretary-General had urged months earlier. Their appeal has fallen flat. Council members should use their August downtime to look at how it might still do some good.

Speech / Global

What’s Happened to the UN Secretary-General’s COVID-19 Ceasefire Call?

This is an expanded and updated version of remarks originally given to a conference organised by Mitvim – the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and the Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on 17 May 2020. A conference summary is available here.

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