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Displaying 181 - 190 of 190 articles

The Day after Tomorrow: Colombia’s FARC and the End of the Conflict

As they move toward a final peace agreement, the negotiators of the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) face the challenge of laying out a credible path for guerrilla fighters to abandon arms and reintegrate into society.

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Informe ICG Justicia Transicional y Diálogos de Paz en Colombia

Javier Ciurlizza, Director del programa para América Latina de Crisis Group, hace una introducción al nuevo informe sobre Justicia Transicional y los Diálogos de Paz en Colombia.

Video / Asia

International Crisis Group at Work: Sri Lanka

Alan Keenan, Sri Lanka Project Director, discusses Crisis Group's push for a full accounting of war crimes committed during the country's civil war — prerequisite for a genuine, lasting peace on the island.

Speech / Global

The deterrent effect of the ICC on the commission of international crimes by government leaders

Presentation prepared by Nick Grono, former Deputy President and COO, and Anna de Courcy Wheeler, former Research Analyst, International Crisis Group, for the conference “The Law and Practice of the International Criminal Court: Achievements, Impact and Challenges”at the Peace Palace, the Hague on 26 September 2012.

Speech / Global

Statement on the High-level Meeting of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law

Statement by the Honourable Louise Arbour, President & CEO of the International Crisis Group, on the occasion of the High-level Meeting of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on the Rule of Law, 24 September 2012.

Colombia: A Negotiated Peace?

Guerrilla group FARC released its last military and police hostages this week, raising hopes that progress might be made toward a negotiated end to Colombia's half century old internal armed conflict. Javier Ciurlizza, Crisis Group's Latin America Program Director, looks at how the administration of President Santos and the international community can build a model for negotiations, peace, and transitional justice.

Podcast / Asia

Sri Lanka’s North: Recipe for Renewed Conflict

Alan Keenan, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst and Sri Lanka Project Director, examines how de facto military rule and various forms of government-sponsored “Sinhalisation” of the Tamil-majority region are impeding international humanitarian efforts, reigniting a sense of grievance among Tamils, and weakening chances for a real political settlement to devolve power in Sri Lanka.

Speech / Global

Looking to the Future: What Role Can International Justice Play in Preventing Future Conflicts

Speech by Nick Grono, Deputy President, at Wilton Park Conference "Pursuing Justice in Ongoing Conflict: Examining the Challenges", 9 December 2008.

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