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Displaying 191 - 200 of 203 articles
Statement / Africa

Darfur Demands Sanctions, Not Words: Spreading Conflict Threatens Millions in Region

European Union leaders should support tough new action against top Sudanese leaders for their failure to end abuses in Darfur, the International Crisis Group and Human Rights Watch said today in advance of the EU summit on 14-15 December.

Statement / Africa

Crisis Group Condemns Comments by ZANU-PF Spokesman

The International Crisis Group firmly rejects and condemns comments by a spokesman for Zimbabwe’s ruling party, reported today.

Statement / Africa

Crisis Group Response to IGAD Charge

The International Crisis Group regrets the charge by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development's Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs at its meeting of 18 March 2005, that our position and advice has "resulted in damages to the region and to the peace process in Somalia".

Global Leaders Support New Israeli-Palestinian Peace Initiatives

Statement of Support to Israelis and Palestinians.

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