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Displaying 21 - 30 of 224 articles
Video / Asia

Inside South East Asia’s Criminal Empire

In this video, Richard Horsey, Crisis Group's Senior Adviser for Myanmar, discusses organised crime in South East Asia's Golden Triangle.

Israeli-Hizbollah Mutual Deterrence Must Be Preserved

In this video, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Lebanon, David Wood, warns that tensions between Hizbollah and Israel risk ending the relative calm of the past seventeen years.


Along the Barbed Wire: Living on the Georgia-South Ossetia Separation Line

This video gathers testimonies from people living along the South Ossetia-Georgia line of separation, where Russian militarisation of the boundary has left communities divided.

Video / Africa

A Worrying New Phase in the Sahel Crisis

In this interview, Jean-Hervé Jezequel, Crisis Group’s Project Director for the Sahel, reflects on the ongoing crisis in the Sahel region, the struggle against expanding jihadist groups, and compares the approaches of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger.

Wagner Rebellion: What to Watch

Crisis Group's Europe and Central Asia Program Director Olga Oliker and Senior Russia analyst Oleg Ignatov discuss the aftermath of the mutiny in Russia and what the future holds for the group.

Video / Asia

De-escalating Tensions in the Taiwan Strait

In this video, Crisis Group’s Giustra Fellow for China Ivy Kwek talks about her work monitoring tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

Albert Koenders on the New European Security Architecture

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has forced Europe to rethink its security and defence architecture. In this video, Crisis Group Trustee Bert Koenders talks about sharpening geopolitical lines in Europe following the war in Ukraine.

Video / Asia

Researching for Conflict Prevention | Ivy Kwek on her Giustra Fellowship

In this video, Ivy Kwek speaks about her experiences as a Giustra Fellow, including her recent research in South East Asia.

U.N. Plan to Reunite Libya: Four Obstacles

As the United Nations Special Representative in Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, presents his plan for paving a way out of the country's political problems, Claudia Gazzini looks at four obstacles that his proposal will face.

Frank Giustra on the Devastating Situation in Haiti

In this video, Frank Giustra speaks about the level of suffering Haiti is currently experiencing.

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