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Displaying 21 - 30 of 220 articles
Op-Ed / Global

How the World Lost Faith in the UN

Regaining It Will Require Accepting a Diminished Role for an Age of Competition.

Speech / Global

Comfort Ero's Acceptance Speech at UNA-UK, United Nations Day Reception

On 24 October, Crisis Group's President and CEO Comfort Ero delivered a speech when receiving The Sir Brian Urquhart Award from United Nations Association, UK (UNA-UK).

EU Watch List / Global

Watch List 2023 – Autumn Update

Each year, Crisis Group publishes two updates to the EU Watch List that identify where the EU and its member states can help enhance prospects for peace. This update includes entries on Colombia, Niger, Tunisia, Türkiye and the Rohingya refugee crisis.


Also available in Français
Event Recording / Global

UN General Assembly: What to Watch for? (Twitter Space, 18 September 2023)

In this Twitter space, Comfort Ero and Richard Gowan talk about all you need to know for this year’s high-level meeting at the UN General Assembly.

Special Coverage / Global

Updates from the UN General Assembly 2023

Marking the opening of the 78th UN General Assembly, Crisis Group experts discuss challenges facing the UN’s efforts to promote peace and end conflict worldwide. This special page also includes Crisis Group’s latest updates from the annual High-Level Week in New York, as well as its coverage of the UN over the past year.

Special Briefing / Global

Ten Challenges for the UN in 2023-2024

It has been a hard year at the UN, with major-power tensions rising, and more difficulties likely lie ahead. Nonetheless, there are several important steps the body’s officials and member states can take in the interest of international peace and security.

Also available in Français

UNIFIL is Needed More than Ever to Keep the Peace in Southern Lebanon

With tensions rising along the Israeli-Lebanese border, the UN peacekeeping force stationed in the area has arguably never been more important. With the mandate up for renewal, the UN Security Council and troop-contributing countries should reassert their backing for the mission in the strongest terms.

Also available in Arabic

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