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Displaying 271 - 280 of 611 articles

Bosnia’s Gordian Knot: Constitutional Reform

Only thorough constitutional reform can resolve Bosnia and Herzegovina’s deep political crisis and implement a landmark European Court of Human Rights decision to put an end to ethnic discrimination.

Also available in Bosnian

The P5+1, Iran and the Perils of Nuclear Brinkmanship

The nuclear negotiations with Iran that resume in Moscow on Monday are likely to hit a wall and, without a change in approach, risk break-down with dire consequences. 

Also available in Arabic, Russian
Briefing / Africa

Liberia: Time for Much-Delayed Reconciliation and Reform

Unemployment, corruption, nepotism and impunity threaten to entrench social and political divisions and jeopardise Liberia’s democracy unless the government addresses persisting historical enmities.

Briefing / Asia

Reform in Myanmar: One Year On

With Myanmar embarked on a remarkable top-down transition from five decades of authoritarian rule and extensive reforms already in place, it is time for the international community to help it address the remaining complex and numerous challenges by ending sanctions and looking to cooperation rather than coercion to promote further change.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified

Syria’s Phase of Radicalisation

With the Syrian crisis having taken a perilous turn, predictable obstacles in implementing UN envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan should not lead to give up on what – for now at least – remains the only serious option on the table.

Also available in Arabic

Now or Never: A Negotiated Transition for Syria

Kofi Annan’s appointment as joint UN/Arab League Special Envoy arguably offers a chance to rescue fading prospects for a negotiated transition in Syria.  It must not be squandered.

Also available in Arabic, Russian
Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: Averting Election Violence in Aceh

Election monitors should begin deployment to Aceh long before the 9 April election to deter intimidation.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified, Indonesian

Tackling Azerbaijan’s IDP Burden

As negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia to resolve the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh stall, the Azerbaijan government has improved living conditions for the internally displaced (IDPs), though return to the occupied territories remains by far the preferred solution.

Also available in Russian
Briefing / Africa

Somalia: An Opportunity that Should Not Be Missed

If the international community can agree on but a few core policies, there is the best chance in years to foster peace in Somalia.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Timor-Leste’s Elections: Leaving Behind a Violent Past?

Timor-Leste’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections will be an important step in consolidating the relative stability the country has enjoyed since recovering from the 2006 crisis, but a number of security risks deserve continued attention.

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