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Podcast / Africa

Somalia’s Dangerous Impasse

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Mohamed Mubarak, a political and security analyst, to talk about the ongoing political crisis in Somalia, fighting in Mogadishu, and the long-term implications of the current impasse.

Podcast / Africa

What Déby’s Death Means for Chad and the Region

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh talk to Crisis Group experts Richard Moncrieff and Claudia Gazzini about the death of Chadian President Idriss Déby and its consequences for Chad and the region.

Has the Spread of Nuclear Weapons Added to Global Stability?

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to researcher Petr Topychkanov about the balance of nuclear power between India and Pakistan, deterrence and nuclear transparency.

Rising Russia-Ukraine Tensions and the West

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh talk to Olga Oliker, Crisis Group’s Europe and Central Asia director, about the Russian military build-up around Ukraine, new U.S. sanctions on Russia and hostility between Russia and Ukraine and Western capitals.

Podcast / Africa

Inside the Region’s Struggle for Peace in South Sudan

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Betty Bigombe, Uganda’s special envoy to South Sudan, to discuss the South Sudan peace deal, why it has not been fully implemented yet and how regional mediation needs more South Sudanese participants.

Is the Gulf Dispute Actually Over?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh talk to Dina Esfandiary, Crisis Group’s Senior Middle East Adviser, about whether the announcement of an end to the Gulf Cooperation Council dispute means the crisis is really over.

Colonial Amnesia and Racial Justice in Europe

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to researchers Dr. Liliane Umubyeyi and Dr. Amah Edoh about racial justice activism and redressing colonial legacies since Black Lives Matter protests spread from the U.S. to Europe last summer.

Podcast / Asia

How Afghanistan Views the U.S. Troop Drawdown

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood and Naz Modirzadeh talk to Crisis Group’s Afghanistan expert Andrew Watkins about the looming withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country, how Afghan leaders are preparing and the challenges ahead.

Podcast / Africa

What Eritrea Wants

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by author and scholar, Harry Verhoeven, to discuss Eritrea’s re-emerging role in the Horn of Africa region after more than a decade of isolation.

Podcast / Africa

Tshisekedi Consolidates Power in DR Congo

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Naz Modirzadeh and guest co-host Comfort Ero talk with Crisis Group’s Central Africa expert Nelleke van de Walle about the legal and political challenges holding back progress in DR Congo.

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