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Displaying 281 - 290 of 611 articles
Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: Cautious Calm in Ambon

Five months after an outbreak of Christian-Muslim violence in Ambon, the city is outwardly calm and bustling, but many issues remain unresolved.

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Briefing / Africa

Zimbabwe’s Sanctions Standoff

A bold approach to the sanctions issue is necessary to refocus efforts on the actions needed to break the political stalemate in Zimbabwe before elections are held that otherwise threaten to be as violent and undemocratic as the 2008 round.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Indonesia: From Vigilantism to Terrorism in Cirebon

Involvement in violent campaigns against vice and religious deviance has become one pathway to terrorism in Indonesia.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Africa

Kenyan Somali Islamist Radicalisation

Kenya’s proximity to and troubled relationship with Somalia and the militant Al-Shabaab movement threaten its security and stability, necessitating sound strategies to combat Islamist radicalisation that go beyond counter-terrorism.

Briefing / Africa

Kenya: Impact of the ICC Proceedings

While the International Criminal Court (ICC) has a chance to inaugurate a new era of accountability in Kenya, misperceptions could also amplify ethnic tensions ahead of the 2012 elections if its work and limitations are not better explained to the public.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Africa

Côte d’Ivoire: Continuing the Recovery

Despite a marked improvement in economic governance and the holding of legislative elections in good security conditions on 11 December in Côte d’Ivoire, the divisions within the security forces carry a risk of violent confrontation while the victor’s justice targeting only former President Gbagbo’s followers hampers reconciliation.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified, Français
Briefing / Asia

Nepal’s Peace Process: The Endgame Nears

With the future of the Maoist combatants finally settled, Nepal’s peace process has gained momentum after a long stalemate, but challenges remain, particularly the design of a new federal state and evolving coalition and factional dynamics of the parties.

Also available in Nepali

Brčko Unsupervised

The international community should start a process to close its supervision of Bosnia’s Brčko District at its meeting next week and develop a new strategy to better help domestic institutions address governance challenges and corruption, while retaining the ability to sanction any attempts to undermine security.

Also available in Bosnian
Briefing / Asia

South Korea: The Shifting Sands of Security Policy

Although North Korea has offered unconditional dialogue since January, South Korea is maintaining a tough policy line towards the North as Seoul approaches a year of electoral campaign politics. The risk of conflict remains serious, particularly in the area near the Northern Limit Line (NLL), the military demarcation in the Yellow Sea.

Also available in Russian

Uncharted Waters: Thinking Through Syria’s Dynamics

The Syrian crisis has entered its most dangerous stage, requiring urgent attention to issues that the international community and Syrian opposition have largely been ignoring.

Also available in Arabic, Russian

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