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Displaying 311 - 320 of 611 articles
Briefing / Asia

Nepal’s Fitful Peace Process

The parties to Nepal’s fitful peace process have less than eight weeks to agree on integration of Maoist combatants and federalism before the term of the Constituent Assembly elected to draft a new constitution expires.

Also available in Nepali

Gaza: The Next Israeli-Palestinian War?

Amidst a serious escalation of deadly violence, a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas must urgently be achieved to prevent the situation spinning out of control.

Briefing / Asia

The Philippines: Back to the Table, Warily, in Mindanao

The success of peace talks between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will depend on each side convincing the other that it has the will and capacity to deliver – and both have doubts.

Also available in Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Asia

Myanmar’s Post-Election Landscape

As Myanmar enters a new political phase, the international community should seize the opportunity to encourage greater openness and reform.

Also available in Burmese, Chinese, Simplified
Briefing / Africa

Nigeria’s Elections: Reversing the Degeneration?

Despite some encouraging preparations, huge challenges remain in the short weeks before the April general elections at which Nigeria’s international reputation and faith in its own democracy are at stake.

Briefing / Asia

Afghanistan’s Elections Stalemate

The prolonged crisis over Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections has substantially weakened President Hamid Karzai’s government and could, if left unaddressed, drive disenfranchised Afghans into the arms of the Taliban, stoke ethnic tensions and increase the risks of civil war.

Also available in Russian, Dari

Cyprus: Six Steps toward a Settlement

With stalemate looming in the UN-sponsored Cyprus reunification negotiations, parties to the dispute need to take dramatic, unilateral steps to break the decades-long distrust that is suffocating them.

Also available in Greek, Turkish
Briefing / Africa

Chad’s North West: The Next High-risk Area?

Chad’s North West may become the next stage for insurgency, drug-running and religious extremism in the Sahel if the government continues to actively neglect the poorest of the violence-plagued country’s poor regions.

Also available in Français

Armenia and Azerbaijan: Preventing War

Escalating front-line clashes, a spiralling arms race, vitriolic rhetoric and a virtual breakdown in peace talks increase the chance Armenia and Azerbaijan will go back to war over Nagorno-Karabakh, with devastating regional consequences.

Also available in Bosnian, Russian

Bosnia: Europe’s Time to Act

The European Union (EU) should make 2011 the year when it finally takes the lead international role in helping Bosnia on its journey from a war-ravaged ward to a stable member state.

Also available in Bosnian, Russian

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