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Displaying 331 - 340 of 465 articles
Podcast / United States

Hold Your Fire: President Trump’s Off-the-Rails Foreign Policy

In this week’s episode of Hold Your Fire!, Aaron Miller, a veteran U.S. diplomat, unpacks President Trump’s unconventional foreign relations with our President Rob Malley and co-host Naz Modirzadeh, a Harvard professor of international law and armed conflict.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

War & Peace: Rethinking an End to Ukraine’s Costly War

Ceasefire pledges have surfaced and frayed repeatedly over the six years of war in Ukraine’s Donbas region. Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Ukraine Katharine Quinn-Judge joins Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope on this week's War & Peace to explain why and at what socio-economic costs to civilians on either side of the front line.

Libya's Proxy War

In this week’s episode of Hold Your Fire!, Crisis Group’s Libya expert Claudia Gazzini explains the militia and foreign proxy rivalries that are tearing the country apart to our President Rob Malley and co-host Naz Modirzadeh, a Harvard professor of international law and armed conflict.

Podcast / Africa

A Rare Glimpse into Darfur’s Last Rebel Stronghold

In early 2020, Vice News correspondent Julia Steers was the first foreign journalist in five years to set foot in the Jebel Marra mountains, Darfur’s last rebel-held area. This week on The Horn, Julia tells of a region traumatised by war and explains why these rebels stayed out of an August peace deal.

War & Peace: Europe and Iran

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope discuss the 2015 Iran nuclear deal with Rob Malley, lead negotiator of the plan. They discuss Europe's contribution to the deal and the role of the EU and Russia in the ongoing standoff between the U.S. and Iran.

Podcast / Africa

Ethiopia's Political Crisis

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Crisis Group President Rob Malley and Board Member Naz Modirzadeh, a Harvard professor of international law and armed conflict, dive deep into the conflicts that rage around the globe, along with Crisis Group field analysts and special guests. This week, they discuss U.S. support for the Yemen war and the absence of the Palestinian issue from the normalisation agreement among Israel, the UAE and Bahrain. Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for Ethiopia, Will Davison, also joins them to discuss the challenges facing Ethiopia.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

War & Peace: How a Bad Brexit May Sour European Security Cooperation

As the end of the transitional period for Britain’s exit from the EU nears, fundamental questions remain unanswered about how the divorce will affect economic livelihoods, foreign policy and security. In this first episode of a new season of War & Peace, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown joins Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope to discuss how costly the most likely outcome – a limited deal or none at all – will be for trade, NATO and collective defence.

Podcast / Asia

Afghan Peace Talks and Dealing with the Taliban

In the second episode of Hold Your Fire!, Crisis Group President Rob Malley and Board Member Naz Modirzadeh, a Harvard professor of international law and armed conflict, dive deep into the conflicts that rage around the globe, along with Crisis Group field analysts and special guests. This week, they discuss French President Emmanuel Macron's plunge into the murky waters of Lebanese politics and the Trump administration's stunning decision to impose sanctions on the staff of the International Criminal Court. They also speak with Andrew Watkins, Crisis Group's senior analyst for Afghanistan, about what to expect from the country's pending peace talks.

Podcast / Africa

Peace and Conflict in Africa, Then and Now

Peacemaking has changed in Africa, with increased militarisation and multipolar approaches to peacekeeping. Looking ahead in this first episode of The Horn’s second season, our Africa Program Director Comfort Ero tells host Alan Boswell what she sees as the continent’s complex drivers of war.

Podcast / Africa

The Horn (Season 2)

In Season 2 of The Horn, host Alan Boswell and guests cover the main issues during a tumultuous period for the Horn of Africa, with several crucial elections taking place across the region and civil war breaking out in Ethiopia. Produced by Maeve Frances.
Episodes from other series of The Horn can be found here: Season 1, Season 3 and Season 4.

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