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Displaying 361 - 370 of 465 articles
Podcast / Africa

The Dangers of Deadlock in the Nile Dam Talks

 In this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Harry Verhoeven, a leading academic expert on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to discuss everything from the politicisation of the dam to environmental sustainability and agricultural productivity in the Nile Basin.

War & Peace: Deconstructing Islamic State’s Appeal in Central Asia

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope are joined by Central Asia expert Noah Tucker to discuss how the region became a source of so many fighters for ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Podcast / Africa

Will South Sudan’s Peace Deal Hold?

 In this episode of The Horn, Crisis Group's Africa Program Director, Comfort Ero, interviews Host Alan, Crisis Group's senior analyst on South Sudan about peace prospects in the country.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

War & Peace: Bringing Home Europe’s ISIS-affiliated Women and Children

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to Azadeh Moaveni, Crisis Group's Gender Director, about the foreign national women and children stuck in Syria. They discuss Western governments efforts to repatriate their citizens and the potential domestic political pushback.

Podcast / Africa

Freeing Sudan from U.S. Sanctions

In this episode of The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Cameron Hudson, Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council, to discuss everything from U.S. sanctions on Sudan to the challenges for Prime Minister Hamdok. 


War & Peace: Of Nightclub Bouncers and Arms Control

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to Ulrich Kuehn, arms control expert at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, about deterrence and the implications for Europe and beyond of the dismantling of arms treaties.

Podcast / Africa

Ethiopia’s Fragile Transition

In this Episode of The Horn, Host Alan Boswell and Will Davison, Crisis Group’s Senior Analyst for Ethiopia discuss the challenges that Ethiopia may face leading up to its upcoming elections.

War & Peace: A 2020 Peace Agenda for the EU

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to Giuseppe Famà and Lisa Musiol, Crisis Group's EU experts, about the new threats to peace and security in the world and the role of the newly appointed Josep Borrell in helping member states rise to the challenge.

Podcast / Africa

East Africa in 2020

This week on The Horn, Alan Boswell is joined by Murithi Mutiga, Crisis Group’s Project Director for the region to discuss the conflicts and crises dominating East Africa. 

War & Peace: Ground Reality in Nagorno-Karabakh

This week on War & Peace, Olga Oliker and Hugh Pope talk to Olesya Vartanyan, Crisis Group's Analyst for the South Caucasus region, about the tensions that existed before the conflict erupted and the current deadlock that has isolated Armenians and Azerbaijanis from one another.

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