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Displaying 41 - 50 of 220 articles
Commentary / Global

The Global South and the Ukraine War at the UN

In UN debates over Russia’s war in Ukraine, Western countries are still pledging to back Kyiv militarily, while non-Western states are more inclined to call for a negotiated peace. Thus far, however, the latter’s proposals for reaching that goal have been short on detail.

Podcast / Africa

Can the African Union Rise to Meet Its Moment?

This week on The Horn, Alan is joined by Liesl Louw-Vaudran, Crisis Group’s senior adviser to the African Union (AU), to discuss the 2023 AU Summit and the challenges and opportunities facing the continental union amid shifting geopolitics.

Briefing / Africa

Eight Priorities for the African Union in 2023

The African Union has more than a full plate of peace and security issues before it in the coming year. This briefing highlights eight conflict situations where its efforts can be of greatest help.

Also available in Français
Event Recording

EU Watch List: 10 Cases Where the EU can Build Peace in 2023 (Event, 1st February 2023)

Crisis Group’s Watch List identifies ten countries or regions at risk of deadly conflict or escalation thereof in 2023. In these places, early action, driven or supported by the EU and its member states, could enhance prospects for peace and stability.

How Ukraine Can Score Another Win at the UN

The UN General Assembly has been a notable barometer of international opinion about Russia’s war in Ukraine since it began. With the one-year marker approaching, Kyiv can secure a diplomatic victory in New York with a resolution that affirms principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Podcast / Global

Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2023

What conflicts is Crisis Group particularly worried about in 2023? This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard Atwood is joined by Crisis Group’s President & CEO Comfort Ero and Chief of Policy Stephen Pomper, to talk about our annual flagship publication “10 Conflicts to Watch”.

Q&A / Africa

MINUSMA at a Crossroads

The UK, Côte d’Ivoire and other nations plan to pull their troops out of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali, clouding its future as it undergoes internal review. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts discuss the mission’s challenges and scenarios for what could come next.

Also available in Français
Special Briefing / Global

Seven Priorities for Preserving the OSCE in a Time of War

Russia’s war in Ukraine has roiled the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Yet, disruptions notwithstanding, it remains a valuable forum for dialogue between Moscow and the West. Participating states should help it keep playing its important roles, including managing conflict risks.

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