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Podcast / Africa

Ethiopia's Transition

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died on 20 August 2012. Emilio Manfredi, Crisis Group’s Ethiopia Analyst, explains the profound national and regional consequences of the passing of the man who ruled the country for over two decades.

Iraq's Political Crisis

Joost Hiltermann, Crisis Group's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa, discusses the political crisis developing in Iraq over the possibility of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki seeking a third term.

Libya’s Post-Electoral Challenges

Just prior to the elections in Libya, Crisis Group issued a conflict alert regarding potential disruptions by armed groups in the east and the risk of an election boycott. Claudia Gazzini, Senior Analyst for Libya, looks at the outcome of the elections and the challenges ahead.

Confronting Social and Economic Challenges in Tunisia

Eighteen months after initiating the Arab spring, Tunisia can still boast of an ongoing and successful transition. But formidable social and economic challenges threaten to halt progress. William Lawrence, Crisis Group's North Africa Project Director, speaks about how those challenges have manifested on the ground.

Also available in Français

Venezuela: The Coming Elections

Silke Pfeiffer, Crisis Group's Colombia/Andes Project Director, discusses the upcoming presidential election in Venezuela, where current President Hugo Chavez faces both a united opposition and cancer.

Also available in Español

Iran: The Perils of Nuclear Brinkmanship

The nuclear negotiations between Iran and the west have had their share of dashed expectations, but even by this standard the recent diplomatic rollercoaster stands out. In this podcast, Crisis Group's Senior Iran Analyst Ali Vaez discusses the new briefing, The P5+1, Iran and the Perils of Nuclear Brinkmanship.

Central Asia: Region in Decline

Paul Quinn-Judge, Crisis Group's Deputy Asia Director, discusses the deep crisis facing the Central Asian states of Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan and analyzes the region's relationship with neighboring powers Russia and China.

Podcast / Africa

Zimbabwe's Reform Process

Piers Pigou, Project Director for Southern Africa, talks about the recent decision of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to block elections without reforms in Zimbabwe and about concerns around Robert Mugabe’s candidacy. 

Podcast / Asia

Sri Lanka: Unanswered Questions

Three years after the bloody end of Sri Lanka’s civil war, many questions remain unanswered concerning credible allegations of war crimes that were committed in the final months of the war. Recently, Sri Lanka’s Foreign Minister traveled to Washington to meet with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and members of Congress, as part of what some are saying was a propaganda tour.

Podcast / Africa

Guinea-Bissau’s Transition after the Coup

On 12 April 2012, a military uprising ousted former prime minister Carlos Gomes Júnior just as he was about to compete in a run-off presidential election that he was poised to win. Crisis Group's Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos, Senior Communications Officer, and Vincent Foucher, West Africa Senior Analyst, were in Bissau to examine the current situation in the country.

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