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Displaying 421 - 430 of 465 articles
Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

Azerbaijan's IDP Burden

In the 1990s, the Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia generated one of the world’s largest populations of internally displaced persons, or IDPs, when hundreds of thousands of ethnic Azeris fled their homes in the face of Armenian forces. Lawrence Scott Sheets, Crisis Group's South Caucasus Project Director, discusses how IDPs have fared and the prospects for a deal that could permit their return.

Podcast / Europe & Central Asia

South Ossetia: Rise of a new Politics and Foreign Policy

In 2008, Russia and Georgia went to war over South Ossetia, a small entity just a short drive north from the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. Since that war, South Ossetia has declared itself an independent state. Discussing the latest developments in South Ossetian politics, and what that means for its relations with Russia and Georgia, is Crisis Group’s Caucasus analyst, Medea Turashvili.

Podcast / Africa

Zimbabwe: A Bold Approach to The Sanctions Issue

Zimbabwe must hold elections before the end of June 2013 but the reforms needed to ensure appropriate conditions are critically wanting. The regional organization, the Southern African Development Community, calls for the removal of international sanctions, claiming they are a serious political impediment to reform. Crisis Group’s Southern Africa Project director, Piers Pigou, discusses the broader paralysis that characterizes Zimbabwean politics.

Podcast / Africa

Kenya: Tensions after the ICC Ruling

Two weeks after the International Criminal Court (ICC) confirmed that four prominent Kenyan figures, including two presidential candidates, are to stand trial over crimes against humanity, political emotions in the country are running high. Andrew Stroehlein, Communications Director for the International Crisis Group, and Abdullahi Boru Halakhe, Crisis Group Kenya Analyst, discuss the situation in Eldoret which is the scene of post-election violence 4 years ago, and talk about the local feelings in the run-up to the next elections due in 2012.

Podcast / Africa

Islamic Radicalisation Is Reaching Into Kenya

Somali militant group Al-Shabaab has built a cross-border network with the aim of radicalising and recruiting youth to fight in Somalia and carry out attacks within Kenya. EJ Hogendoorn, Crisis Group's Horn of Africa Project Director, discusses how best to counter the trend.

Podcast / Africa

Reform Prospects in Guinea-Bissau

The West African country Guinea-Bissau has been relatively stable since the political and military turmoil of 2010. But crucial political, military and judicial developments still lie ahead of this year's presidential elections. We talked to Vincent Foucher, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for West Africa, about the future of Guinea-Bissau. 

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Podcast / Asia

Update from Ambon

The city of Ambon, Indonesia, is in some ways showing impressive spirit and innovative ideas in addressing the threat of renewed violence, but the slightest spark could still all too easily set off another round of Christian-Muslim bloodshed.

Podcast / Africa

Kenya: Impact of the ICC Proceedings

After post-election violence gripped Kenya in 2007-08, the International Criminal Court (ICC) launched an investigation into top politicians allegedly implicated in the crisis. Crisis Group analyst Abdullahi Boru Halakhe looks at the effect the ICC proceedings may have on this year's presidential and legislative elections.

Haiti: Two Years On

On the second anniversary of the devastating 2010 earthquake, Mark Schneider, Senior Vice President and Special Adviser on Latin America, discusses the improvements Haiti has made and what remains to be done.

Podcast / Asia

Afghanistan: The "Bonn II" Conference

In a few days, hundreds of officials from more than 50 countries will descend on Bonn, Germany, for what has been billed as one of the most significant turning points in Afghanistan's ten-year dance with the international community. The conference planners hope to set out their vision for a reset of international engagement in Afghanistan in a move that will mark the beginning of the end of the decade-long Western military presence. 

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